
I am

It’s been a interesting week.  I feel like now that I’ve made my year’s intention clear and declared it, my heart has been more open to what the universe or fate or spirit has in store.  All these thoughts are running around in my head.  So instead of heading to bed, I’m writing after midnight.

In this week’s class, the oracle card I drew told me to take the first step.  I see it as further acknowledgement that Continue reading ‘I am’


New Year, New Intention

Last year, my intention was to “be present”.  It was hard to work at it.  It is so easy to let my mind wander to the “what should I have done” and the “what if this happens” and all the little things that need attention at some point.  I did manage to improve my focus, and keep my mind and attention on the here and now.  It made some of the highlights of the year like the Plane Pull for Sight and the TWECS project much more rewarding.

This year, I’ve decided that my intention will be the quote that has guided my life for the past 13 years. Continue reading ‘New Year, New Intention’



Every year, I find a Christmas ornament to represent something meaningful from the year.  Sometimes it’s external (like a new job), many times it’s internal (highlights from my rambling thoughts).  Sometimes the ornaments are literal representations, sometimes only I know the connection.  I thought I would share the ornaments from the last 6 years with you.

Continue reading ‘Memories’


Be present

I had my first “test” today on following through with my intention. It was something so simple, but deceptively difficult. Continue reading ‘Be present’


Happy New Year!

And so a new year begins.  Quietly for me.  For the past few days, I’ve been crocheting and drinking tea and thinking.

I don’t do new year’s resolutions.  It never seems to work past January, and I put enough stress on myself without adding a resolution.  But my sister-in-law made a facebook post for her blog that caught my eye.  In it, she asked if her readers had picked an intention for 2018.  There’s a link to a list of words to consider.  That got me thinking.  (Remember?  I’m very good at thinking.)  What if Continue reading ‘Happy New Year!’


To make or not to make…

I’m in a conundrum.

I started dealing with Christmas presents this past weekend – wrapping gifts and planning out what I still need to shop for.  I had this great plan to make about half my gifts this year. It would have been more, but Continue reading ‘To make or not to make…’



It has been a long time, hasn’t it?  Almost 2 years since my last blog post, and it popped into my head a few days ago that maybe I should revive it.  I’m not really sure who would be paying attention at this point, but I love writing and sharing my version of the world around me.  So here I am, sitting at the computer, spilling out my thoughts.

The catalyst for this post was a 4 hour drive home from a work trip.  Not much to do for that much time other than Continue reading ‘Thoughts’


100 Happy Days Redux: Day 101!

Okay, so I’m cheating a little bit. I had a much better day today, so now I can end on a good note. My friend S and I went to an event at the Telus World of Science called Continue reading ‘100 Happy Days Redux: Day 101!’


100 Happy Days Redux: Day 100

I was going to end my 100 Happy Days with something fun, but it turns out that I’m ending on a sad note. I was told today that I can no longer donate blood. Ever. It really sucks. Continue reading ‘100 Happy Days Redux: Day 100’


100 Happy Days Redux: Day 99

I’ve been in a crafting mood ever since I started the temperature blanket. Now I’m also crocheting a bunch of baby stuff for all my friends and family that are Continue reading ‘100 Happy Days Redux: Day 99’

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© Myra Madrilejos, missmylin and "itaga sa bato", 2010 to present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. All photography on this blog is copyright protected. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Myra Madrilejos and itaga sa bato with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.